Two years ago I had the opportunity to go on a trip to Toronto with the BCM to work with a church plant there. Brett Porter is the pastor of The Sanctuary at Mississauga, a church that is a little over two years old. That trip was one of my favorite moments of my college career. This past Tuesday, Brett traveled down to Blacksburg and spoke at 6:33. I don't normally get to go to worship on Tuesdays due to class, but when I heard Brett was coming down, I emailed my professor and decided to skip. It was well worth it! It was wondeful to be worshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ and to hear what God had laid on Brett's heart. His message was so pertinent to my life right now and really to everyone sitting in the room. He talked about his ministry uo in Canada and how he had to learn how to fall in love with Jesus again. Ministry had become just another job for him. He challenged us during this lenten period to fall in love with Jesus, perhaps even for the first time. I feel like this semester I am falling in love with Jesus for the first time. Sure, I have been a born again believer for a long time, but have I ever truly loved Christ above all things? I have given in to many idols such as relationships and sports, and have often pushed Christ aside. This semester God is working in amazing ways and giving me such joy! I am truly finding myself wanting more and more of Him instead of the other things that I usually seek for pleasure and satisfaction. Praise God! It is my prayer that Brett's message impacted everyone in the room and that we will all begin to fall in love with Jesus again. Below is a few pictures from the trip two years ago.
11 years ago