Monday, May 3, 2010


I know I said I would continue my previous post but I need to blow off some steam instead. Why in the world do I have to care so much about my sports teams? I am truthfully afraid of the person I become when things don't go well. A Mets loss makes me a scary person to be around. Even tonight, with no one else around, I still feel uncomfortable with how angry I am. Here I sit, screaming at my computer screen at players I will never know personally. Not exactly representing Christ. Sometimes I wish I could be apathetic. I know some of the greatest moments of my life involve triumphs involving my sports teams and therefore know I am a bit out of line wishing for apathy. But I do wish I knew how to control myself better because it just isn't fair to those around me. While I have made progress since high school, I still have a long way to go. Lord, please help me to have better self-control and realize there are so many more important things in life.

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