Monday, April 26, 2010


On Friday our church hosted a Youth Evangelism Conference at Christiansburg High School. This event was many months in the making and God did some neat things through it. We had a good crowd there to worship in song and hear Ben Glenn, the "chalk guy," deliver a great Gospel message. I know that lives were impacted for eternity through the efforts of those who organized the event. God truly blew me away when I saw one of my former students from Pulaski there! I was walking around and heard someone say, "Hi Mr. Dunham." I recognized her face right away but the name escaped me. I eventually remembered and we had a nice conversation. She told me an awesome story of how one of my other students, and her best friend, accepted Christ recently! This was such a blessing for me because I have been thinking of my students for so long, wondering how the class finished up when I left. I never really got to know them like I wanted to because I was always so anxious and wound up. Sometimes God touches your life in ways you would never imagine. This was one of those ways and a special moment for me. The rest of the weekend was awesome and I will continue this update later. For now, it's off to work!

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